Isolit - Bravo, New Plastics-Moulding Shop

New Plastics-moulding Shop and Demolition of Testing-Laboratory Building and Part of the Tool Room
Investor Isolit - Bravo spol s r.o.
The projected was prepared in order to expand the capacity of the existing plastics-moulding shop  by new injection moulding machines and in order to install machine tools to manufacture large moulds. The inspection rooms, testing laboratories and administrative areas were relocated into the internal structures. The new hall has connected the pressing shop and tool room that had been detached before. Before the new construction could begin, it was necessary to demolish several structures. Then the hall was connected with adjacent buildings. These requirements placed high demands on accuracy and coordination of work. The load-bearing structure of the hall consists of a prefabricated reinforced concrete frame  enveloped with thermal insulating sandwich panels. The in-buildings have a steel load-bearing structure, enveloped with plasterboard with maximum possible window areas. 
Budget € 0.976 mio, w/o VAT
Built-up Area 1,270 sqm
Location of Construction Jablonné nad Orlicí
Position on Map map
General Project Architect ORGATEX-NÁCHOD s.r.o.
Project Stage DUR / DBP / DSP / DPS
General Contractor BISA s.r.o.
Realization Period 2013/11 - 2014/07
ID 4795


Wolkerova 1749
547 01 Náchod
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