Warehouse Hall in the Company of Isolit-Bravo

The structure is built with the intention to centralize  and modernize the storage capacities in the company of ISOLIT – BRAVO spol. s.r.o.  Currently, the existing storage areas are dispersed throughout the company premises and part of the materials must be stored on external paved areas.

The construction of the new warehouse and shipping division will concentrate raw materials, finished products and packing materials into one location. Together with the warehouse, a central shipping centre with enough space for trucks and lorries, will be built.

The goods will be stored on pallets by rack stackers operated by an automatic system. The warehouse is fitted with 12 rows of racks, with 23 columns in each row. The storage height of the columns is up to 17 meters.

The respective building permit for the project has already been issued and the documentation for the realization of the building project is finished.


Wolkerova 1749
547 01 Náchod
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