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ISO 9001

ORGATEX-NÁCHOD s.r.o. is certified in compliance with the EN ISO 9001 standard

This international standard supports using a process approach when creating, implementing and increasing the efficiency of quality management systems in order to increase satisfaction of customers by meeting their requirements.

We implemented our quality management system as early as 2004

We were certified by the world-renowned certification authority of TÜV SÜD   represented in the Czech Republic by TÜV SÜD Czech s.r.o. Since then we have undergone regular cycles of internal and external audits. On the basis of these results, we try to permanently increase the quality of our services.

The main principles and goals of the company are expressed in its quality policy

A quality policy is the company's public undertaking to apply a quality management system incompliance with the EN ISO 9001 requirements, as a management tool within the company. Our quality policy expresses intentions of the company in areas of key importance for the economic prosperity and general development, e.g.:

  1.  Customer oriented approach

  • anticipating and meeting customers' requirements and expectations

 2.  System development

  • continually improve the efficiency of individual quality management processes
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