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Declaration of Accessibility

This presentation is created in compliance with specifications published by the W3C consortium, in relevance to the used coding language HTML 4 Transitional, HTML 5 or XHTML 1.1 Transitional, while complying with syntactic and semantic correctness.

The contents are entirely separated from the style using cascade styles.

The website can be used on other output devices (mobile phones, voice readers, etc.).

Some additional information (mostly downloadable documents) is available on the website in other formats, mostly in PDF. In order to view documents saved in this format, it is necessary to install the  Adobe Reader viewer, which is available free of charge and can be downloaded from the Adobe Inc. website, or any other program capable of viewing the PDF format.
Some additional or multimedial functions of this website may have been created using Adobe Flash technology and may require having the  Adobe Flash Player plug-in installed in your computer, which is downloadable for free from the Adobe Inc. website.

It is necessary to have JavaScript installed and allowed in your computer so that the website can function properly and completely.

By using this site you consent to the storage of cookies, which are necessary for the good functioning of the site.